A Pause for Thought on International Women’s Day

International Women's Day

Well, first things first…Happy International Women’s Day!

Our annual reminder to pause and celebrate the achievements of women around the world has rolled around again. The day sets to acknowledge the strides that women have made in various fields and bring to the forefront the gaps that still need to be filled when it comes to gender equality.

We’ve lucked out at Amiqus to be surrounded by extremely talented women, so we thought who better to speak to on this topic than a few of our very own. As we continue to scale, our commitment to ensuring we have a diverse and inclusive approach to our culture and work remains a constant part of our decision-making and processes. We’ve rallied together five brilliant ladies from across Amiqus to answer some important questions around inclusion, our approach, and what we can do more of.

What does ‘inclusion’ mean to you?

“…everyone should have a fair chance to be a part of something.”

Stella: In my opinion, inclusion means that everyone should have a fair chance to be a part of something. It is about feeling free to share your thoughts and ideas confidently without being judged or shut down. Every person should be valued and considered. In the past, I have experienced situations where I felt excluded or discriminated against because my opinions were not heard, which was demoralising and made for a toxic environment, but at Amiqus, it is quite the opposite.

“…to me, being inclusive is all about the little actions.”

Katherine: Inclusion is often seen as a huge topic – but to me, being inclusive is all about the little actions. You ask people for their opinion, not because you’re told to, but because you genuinely care about their answer. You scrap the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approaches, and ask everyone if they need any extra support or modifications – not just those who openly identify as neurodivergent or vulnerable. It’s about focusing on equity rather than equality, embracing everyone’s differences, and understanding why diverse teams are the best teams!

What do you think Amiqus do well in terms of equality in the workplace?

Stella: Since becoming a part of the Amiqus community, I am happy to say that everyone is treated with kindness and respect. We have a fantastic culture here that promotes inclusivity and equality. Everyone has equal opportunities regardless of their circumstances, which is really how it should be. We all work together towards a common goal and are always willing to help each other out, listen to each other’s thoughts and ideas, and give advice. I think this is one of the key reasons behind Amiqus’s success so far, and I’m truly proud to be a part of it.

What has your experience been like working at Amiqus?

“As a neurodivergent woman in the tech industry, finding a company that delivers on its inclusion policies is, despairingly, often like looking for a needle in a haystack.”

Katherine: I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of Amiqus. As a neurodivergent woman in the tech industry, finding a company that delivers on its inclusion policies is, despairingly, often like looking for a needle in a haystack. At Amiqus, EDI isn’t just a tickbox exercise; the culture is second-to-none, and everyone goes out of their way to help you ‘thrive’ and not just ‘survive’ in the workplace. Their forward-thinking mindset doesn’t just apply to their software – it’s ingrained throughout all of their policies, comms, and procedures.

Kemi: Being a female employee at Amiqus has been an immensely rewarding experience. Amiqus fosters a culture of diversity and inclusivity, providing a supportive and welcoming environment. Regardless of gender, I’ve consistently felt appreciated and acknowledged for my contributions. Collaborating with a creative and cooperative team, where gender diversity is seen as an asset, has been a privilege. My time at Amiqus has been exceptionally positive due to its inclusive environment, supportive colleagues, and opportunities for advancement. Being part of an organisation that champions diversity and recognises everyone’s potential fills me with pride.

What kind of influence do you strive to have on your female peers at Amiqus?

“…encourage female peers to seek out and take on opportunities…”

Abbie: To support and encourage female peers to seek out and take on opportunities, to embrace challenges and ask questions. To use your knowledge and believe in your abilities to elevate your ideas, your work and contribution to the upcoming opportunities Amiqus have ahead for 2024.

“…a positive environment where they are not only listened to, but also respected”.

Lucie: It’s important to me for all females at Amiqus to feel like they are valued and empowered at work, and I’m therefore always thinking of how I can be a supportive and encouraging presence here. From my perspective it’s important for me to be building strong working relationships with my female co-workers, sharing experiences and advice, and also being a listening ear too. It’s key that everyone feels like they are in a positive environment where they are not only listened to, but also respected.

Are there any assumptions about women working in the tech industry that you would like to change?

“…a reminder to challenge misconceptions and strive for genuine diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.”

Kemi: I would like to change tech gender stereotypes, echoing Paige Goodhew. She brought attention to important misperceptions about recruiting women in the tech sector. She questions the notion that hiring women is mostly done by businesses to satisfy diversity criteria or quotas. Businesses may tap into wealth of creativity and promote constructive organisational change by appreciating the distinct viewpoints and ideas that women bring to the table. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, Goodhew’s perspective serves as a reminder to challenge misconceptions and strive for genuine diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.

What could or should Amiqus be doing more of/a better job of in terms of bridging the equality gap?

Lucie: I think Amiqus is already doing a great job when it comes to bridging the equality gap, especially with the recent introduction of new policies such as the menstrual health and menopause policy. It would be great to see more education for all through training focused on topics such as unconscious bias and gender stereotypes.

Abbie: We incorporate equality in our company comms more now, for example the breakdown of female representation at annual review time was a great highlight to share. We could seek out more opportunities for engaging with pathway organisations to increase our network and opportunities for attracting a diverse workforce.

Amiqus have made intentional steps in the right direction, but we’ve still a long way to go. Often, buzzwords like ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ are being used as ‘superficial comfort’ that progress is being made. We want to make it our business to ensure that intention is followed by tangible action – in our processes, policies, decision making and culture.

Watch this space.

Happy International Women’s Day 2024!

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