
Powering a system that allows those faced with homelessness to avoid losing support when they lose an address

A tablet device using ProxyAddress

Ensuring financial inclusion and access to services

As more and more essential services move online, losing an address effectively means losing an essential proof of identity that is the gateway to accessing the very services that might help someone at their lowest point, from government portals to banking apps.

ProxyAddress uses the duplicated address details of existing homes to provide those facing homelessness with a consistent, free address which they can use to access the support they need.

A woman holding a ProxyAddress card looking happy.

Delivering impact at scale and shaping the new economy

Amiqus platform’s functionality to prove identity with technology, in line with the latest AML and data privacy regulations will help ProxyAddress to navigate complex issue of homelessness.

Amiqus have taken part in the live pilot of ProxyAddress with Lewisham Council by providing the remote identity verification software which enables ProxyAddress to issue a vulnerable person with their credentials in compliance with anti-fraud and money laundering regulations.

“Amiqus is helping bring the years of hard work behind ProxyAddress to fruition and real-world application. By building a platform through which vulnerable people can prove their identity, we will be able to provide each proxy address with the confidence that it can connect those who face homelessness to the services they need for support, independence and recovery.”